Wednesday 29 October 2008

Off road training

If you are not already doing so, it is a good idea to try and do some of your runs off the road. Obviously it is difficult now that the clocks have gone back but perhaps try to schedule something for a weekend. The going underfoot tends to be more forgiving and if you are planning to run cross country it helps you to develop your balance and adjust to the continuous changes in rhythm.

Here on the Isle of Man there are lots of places to go and there is always the opportunity to look for somewhere new. Going somewhere new always tends to make it a more interesting run.

Last Saturday I went up to Chibbanagh Plantation near the Braid Crossroads with Dave Newton, who showed me some of the routes he has developed – lots of different paths and options and some great running underfoot. There are also some short steep climbs as well so it is great preparation for cross country. The weather was not very nice but apart from where it was exposed to the wind it made a great place to run.

I will post some information and thoughts on the course at Glen Lough in the next day or so.

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