Tuesday 9 December 2008

Taking the rough with the smooth

After being laid up all of last week I am now up and about but do not feel ready to start training again yet. I know a number of people who have had bugs recently. It is frustrating to first of all miss out on the run at Ramsey and now feel that I am losing preparation towards Lancashire. Still, you have to remain positive and let these things take their course, especially at this time of year.

I am looking forward to the trip to Brussels for the Euro Cross at the weekend and we are planning to take a Manx flag along as well. I believe the meeting is being shown on BBC interactive - BBC1 and BBC2 - between 10.00 and 15.45 - so there could be good coverage. I think Keith's race will be on at 12.20 UK time so you can have you Sunday morning run, shower and sit down to watch the race live! See www.brussels2008.com for full event info.

Three things to note before then. First of all, the entries close for the Millennium Way Relay. Hopefully there will be a big entry following the appeal for organisers to make their efforts worthwhile.

Secondly, there is a fundraising quiz for the Island Games team on Thursday evening at the South Douglas Pensioners Club, Finch Road. Entry is just £15 per team. I am setting the quiz and asking the questions. I cannot give too much away but their should a good mix of subjects and some different rounds. Hopefully there will be a good turn-out to raise much needed funds for the trip.

Finally, if you are planning to go to Lancashire Cross Country contact Andy Fox as soon as possible.

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